I dare to say this: “companies need to stop playing the game of pin the blame on the developer whenever a security vulnerability is discovered or exploited in applications.” Rather than pointing fingers at developers, organizations need to empower these professionals to help them build and expand their cloud-based initiatives without having to worry about security.
Security teams of all sectors face incidents of violence, anxiety, escalation and trauma during their careers. For a security leader, fostering a healthy workplace environment following trauma or helping managers and frontline security personnel navigate such incidents is particularly essential to healing, reducing turnover, and allowing everyone in the workplace to feel heard, respected and confident.
Traditional cybersecurity training can be individual or LMS-based and generally hinges on a 30- to 60-minute session of basic training once a year. There will be some visual reminders taking the form of emails or posters during the year. But regardless of the minor variations, traditional training doesn’t work.
In this article, we’ll look at what the existing cybersecurity threats are around open banking, and how individuals, companies, institutions, and regulators can proactively address those risks.
In today’s digital world, personal security is directly tied to corporate security. Therefore, it is critical for organizations to implement employee security guidelines and best practices to improve not only the employees’ digital hygiene and personal security but also the company’s security.
Let’s face it, cybersecurity isn’t the responsibility of a single person, team or department -- it’s a shared responsibility of the entire organization, along with its extended network of technology partners, vendors and suppliers. Since humans are the biggest cybersecurity risk, the concept of a security culture is even more relevant and significant in today’s times.
In a new era of hybrid workspaces, many sectors are making the shift to the cloud and adopting cloud-based SaaS applications at an accelerated pace for agility and scalability - but this practice and the efficiencies that are gained come at a cost. Business leaders are realizing that they must allot more of their resources and budgets to address new security concerns surrounding these transitions to keep their environment safe and prevent breaches.
The massive shift to remote work and a continually expanding attack surface has made the concept of trust-based security a naïve one at best, dangerous at worst. But the upshot is that everything we’ve seen and experienced in the past year has helped seed the need for a zero-trust based approach. Let’s look at some of the major trends and factors of the past year and how these risks can be mitigated using a zero trust approach.
In this year’s Security Leadership: 2021 Women in Security report, we take you through the professional journeys of 13 enterprise security leaders that have risen the ranks during their careers with their skills, forward-thinking mindsets, and a passion for the job they do.