The Los Angeles Unified school police will stop giving citations for fighting, petty theft and other minor offenses, moving instead to refer students to counseling or other programs. The step back from punitive law enforcement actions reflects growing research that handling minor offenses with police actions does not necessarily make campuses safer. Those actions do often push struggling students to drop out and get in more serious trouble with law enforcement.
Verizon said it is prepared to pay up to $50,000 for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of those responsible for recent thefts of copper telephone cables in Pennsylvania.
The number of passengers who tried, knowingly or not, to bring guns onto planes in their carry-on luggage nearly doubled in the past six years – from 976 in 2009 to 1,813 in the U.S. last year, according to the Transportation Security Administration.
A government database, which serves as a repository for raw intelligence about terrorist suspects or their associates, has nearly doubled in the past five years to include 1.1 million people by the end of last year.
More than 110,000 property crimes occurred every year in commercial parking lots and garages between 2004 and 2008, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
The key to gaining the full benefits of your security system is getting in early, Moreno says. If security can introduce plans for parking security technology before construction starts on a structure, the department can save up to 40 percent on infrastructure.
In 1998, at the U.S. Embassy in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, a crash-rated, moveable barricade prevented the attacker’s vehicle from entering the rear compound of the building and, thus, reduced the loss of lives and damage to the facility.