The School Safety Task Force will review the role of School Resource Officers and present recommendations to further the District’s policy goals of implementing all elements of restorative practices to ensure equitable and safe inclusive schools.
Two new public safety committees were created this month by University of Utah Chief Safety Officer Marlon Lynch and appointed by U President Ruth Watkins. The Public Safety Advisory Committee and the Independent Review Committee are comprised of students, faculty, and staff from across the institution and are designed to ensure a broad representation of constituents are included in public safety decision-making.
Delaware's state correctional leaders opened the Department of Correction Intelligence Operations Center (IOC). The statewide facility will be operated by the Special Operations Group within the Bureau of Prisons. The IOC positions will allow the DOC to identify security threats from across facilities, assess them, and proactively act to mitigate those risks.
New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that 80% of drug overdoses between January 2019 and June 2019 involved one or more opioids, with three in four deaths involving illicitly manufactured fentanyl.
Enhanced analytics, intrusion detection, broad surveillance, access control, facial recognition - a few of the solutions explored here to help with all airport and seaport applications.
Executive search and consulting firm Raines International launched its Security Officers Practice, co-developed with The Lake Forest Group, a security services firm specializing in all aspects of security, safety, and compliance.
In the 19 years that have passed since Sept. 11, 2001, Americans have seen significant increases in counterterrorism security in public venues, including more security guards, closed-circuit TV cameras, metal detectors and bag checks. A study by the USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) finds out that people are still willing to pay more for increased security at public venues almost two decades later.
To help Project 25 (P25) users navigate the continuing evolution of P25 systems and the complex world of P25 Standards, the P25 Steering Committee, with support from CISA, developed the Statement of Project 25 User Needs (SPUN) as a framework for users to better understand P25 technologies and define their communications needs.
DHS and CISA joined the Colorado Rockies, along with the Rockies’ state, local and federal partners for a virtual tabletop exercise to review incident preparedness measures and response plans at Coors Field in a continuing effort to ensure fan, staff and team safety.
There are currently a multitude of different standards and regulations to address the urgent need to secure our connected world, yet it's time to create a unified global conformance assessment.