Acquiring a higher-level education is time consuming and expensive, and fraudsters have long been marketing fast-track ways to obtain what appears to be an impressive diploma, at least on the surface. These programs and methods have been around for many years; therefore, it is not always easy to identify what is real and what is a wasted investment of your money and time.
The bottom line: Culture is another way of saying “This is how we do things around here.” In most cases, what is written down or hung on the wall does not align with “how we do things around here.” People will perform their roles, work within their processes and utilize technology to get things done; but the values that undergird their behavior and the ability to understand them and leverage them is one of the keys to unlocking the value of security.
Do you have a new job as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Chief Security Officer (CSO), the Security Information Manager or something similar? Congratulations! You’ve just received a great job opportunity – one that can either be your dream job, your worst nightmare, and sometimes both simultaneously.
A benchmark study on employment background screening revealed more than eight out of ten employers found resume fraud that includes embellishments or outright lies on job applicant resumes in the last year.
A report from the Security Research Initiative discusses findings from responses from more than 1,000 serving police officers on attitudes towards the private security sector (private security suppliers and corporate security departments).
Recently, Australian banks have been taking charge of their global influence to develop strong security mindsets among their employees responsible for developing software.
A breach results in loss of trust, proprietary information, trade secrets and consumer confidence. On the other hand, investing in cybersecurity and breach preparedness creates trust, boosts consumer confidence, and incites innovation – all generators of revenue.