As we embark on the long-haul journey to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to all Americans, addressing the communication challenges of this distribution has never been more vital for safety and coordination, says David Wiseman, Vice President of Secure Communications at BlackBerry. Here, we talk to Wiseman about the need for unified communications as states implement vaccine rollout strategies.
A security team can sink an infinite amount of time and resources into strengthening your infrastructure, but it’s all for nothing if a default password is used by an exec, or someone in HR makes the mistake of responding to a clever phishing message.
Cybercriminals will always find the path of least resistance and for most organizations the easiest way in is through the people.
Video storage is an important consideration in any surveillance project while simultaneously being one of the most overlooked. Let’s face it: storage does not exactly provide the “wow factor” of analytics or 4K image quality, but it is the backbone on which entire video security systems are built. If you cannot retrieve and review footage in a timely manner, all the other shiny features you have incorporated into your security surveillance solution is for naught.
Maine's Bowdoin College announced that its Office of Safety and Security achieved accreditation from the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA).
Episode three of the Cybersecurity and Geopolitical video podcast is up and ready for viewing! We are also now offering an audio version to listen to anytime, anywhere, including from Apple podcasts.
Biometric technology, and specifically its most modern iteration, facial recognition, has found its way into security systems essential to everyone. We rely on it to safeguard some of our most prized belongings, including our smartphones, laptops and now, with Apple Pay, even our bank accounts and credit cards. Security experts applaud facial recognition as one of the most secure and efficient means of authentication available today.
Why then, has the industry most hinged on security and identification – Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) – been so slow to adopt this new wave of technology?
Many security researchers are now predicting that deepfakes could become a major security threat in the 2021-2022 period. Where is the threat and what can you do about it?
In recent years, there has been a recognition that social engineering plays a huge part in the execution of cybersecurity attacks. The intersection of “non-physical” and “technical” social engineering is where criminals are mostly focused today. Enter deepfake technology, which poses a looming risk over enterprises and their security leaders as they figure out how to prepare for and mitigate such a risk.
The New England College of Optometry (NECO) formed a COVID-19 Task Force and began exploring ideas to enable in-person learning at the school in a safe, effective and well-planned manner. One of the solutions that NECO implemented is a contact-tracing tool that allows the school to respond immediately to report of an infection, accurately and effectively, without relying on a sign-in sheet or a person’s recollection of their previous contacts.
The New England College of Optometry (NECO) formed a COVID-19 Task Force and began exploring ideas to enable in-person learning at the school in a safe, effective and well-planned manner. One of the solutions that NECO implemented is a contact-tracing tool that allows the school to respond immediately to report of an infection, accurately and effectively, without relying on a sign-in sheet or a person’s recollection of their previous contacts.