The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response (CESER) has released version 2.1 of the Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2).
Smart city technologies and urban big data produce data privacy concerns. For any data-driven smart city project to be successful, it must communicate its value and data safety to its primary stakeholders — the citizens.
For corporations who can’t fill the vital cybersecurity and forensic positions, the highest cost lies in timeliness: they can’t afford delays in responding to incidents or breaches. Digital forensic tools with automation capabilities may be the answer.
As cyberattack methods evolve, so too must enterprise incident response plans. How an organization recovers from a data breach is critical to their future business success.
In his new role at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Daryl Green will oversee UAB Police and Public Safety’s team of 204 law enforcement, security, and emergency management personnel.
Access control, hazardous materials restrictions, and other perimeter security measures are in effect to secure The World Games 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama.