Lots of security vendors talk about integrating innovative techniques using Artificial Intelligence. In cybersecurity, this often boils down to supervised or unsupervised anomaly detection of measures attributes. However, in many cases there is a big gap between the identification of anomalies and transforming them into actionable data.
There are lots of buzzwords floating around cybersecurity: machine learning, artificial intelligence, supervised and unsupervised learning … In many cases these advanced technologies are based on anomaly detection.
The pace of change in cybersecurity is quickening as technologies like 5G and artificial intelligence enable new services, products and modes of communication.
If there’s one thing most small business owners have in common, it’s being pressed for time. Managing so many areas of responsibility leaves small businesses with little time to dedicate to any one task. Important decisions – like investments in security – demand time and attention but must also be weighed against what’s realistic for your organization to maintain within its current resource level. Hosted video surveillance services, for example, can provide small businesses with reliable video monitoring but with less maintenance than traditional security deployments, and less upfront cost.
Hackers can be relentless with their cyberattacks. While organizations can be vulnerable to many security threats, ransomware is especially ruthless since its attacks are completely automated. It doesn’t matter what industry or business you are in – hackers don’t care if your organization has “nothing of value,” their machines will try to attack anything that is vulnerable.
Cloud-based solutions have grown exponentially in the past 10 years, offering secure, simple and cost-effective benefits – so why aren’t more users taking advantage of them? Simply put, people are skeptical of what they don’t fully understand, and when it comes to cloud solutions, there are many questions regarding the migration process.
With the CDN market expected to reach $25B by 2025, the entire concept of a Content Delivery Network is evolving as AI and machine learning technologies continue to improve.
How can you protect your organization and employees with a fully integrated threat monitoring system and help fulfill your duty of care obligations and keep your employees safe?
As we have done in previous years, the Security magazine team compiled our favorite articles from this year. As we head into 2020, we hope you take a moment to review some of 2019’s top articles about lessons learned, thought leadership, security challenges and good practices.