In an interconnected world, ensuring that organizations come together to help one another fight cybersecurity adversaries ultimately protects everyone.
Whether your security program is a team of one or 101, scaling a security program to grow with the security function and its responsibilities takes thought and consideration.
Exploiting pandemic-related stress and financial concern, remote work, and government “brand” trust, threat actors are preying on the vulnerabilities of millions of Hawaiians.
During emergency evacuations, security teams need voice and audio technology at their fingertips to enhance situational awareness, communicate clear instructions, institute a safe exit.
Michael J. Ducsak is the new Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Sourcepass, where he will oversee cybersecurity strategy, risk assessment and mitigation, compliance, cloud security and more.
A new Microsoft Office zero-day security vulnerability allows adversaries to execute PowerShell commands via Microsoft Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) by opening a Word document.
School administrators, staff, and local emergency responders must complete a thorough risk assessment and all-hazards assessment of schools and their campuses.
An inside look at the Caesars Entertainment physical security team reveals a strong community based on information sharing and real-time communications.