A new report by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and University of Michigan discusses the cybersecurity vulnerabilities associated with OmniBallot, a web-based system for blank ballot delivery, ballot marking and (optionally) online voting.
Fifty-six (56) percent of employees are using their personal computers as their company’s go remote in response to COVID-19 according to the Work-from-Home (WFH) Employee Cybersecurity Threat Index released by Morphisec.
Security awareness training is no longer a “nice-to-have” for organizations. End users have become a critical component of effective security postures. Employees must have a strong understanding of cybersecurity best practices and learn how to detect and defend against targeted attacks. This shift in priority is needed to address an ongoing trend in the larger threat landscape. Cybercriminals have moved away from complicated, time-consuming technical exploits to concentrate on end users, a large and frequently vulnerable attack surface. Small or large, nearly every attack now begins in the same way: by relentlessly targeting people through email, social networks, and/or cloud and mobile applications.
Convincing C-suite executives to approve budgets for security system upgrades may be difficult in the best of times. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting financial upheaval it caused may make selling new projects more challenging for security directors. While security may not be a daily topic of discussion among C-suite members, they understand the need to provide and maintain a safe and secure environment for corporate employees and visitors. But they don’t see security in terms of a camera brand or access card technology. They view security in terms of risk management and mitigation strategies. Addressing those concerns in any project plan will increase its chances of it winning approval.
Senator Anthony M. Bucco of New Jersey has introduced a series of bills to assist frontline healthcare workers and first responders who are suffering from the stresses of responding to COVID-19.
In a Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 report filed with Congress last week, the White House says the number of cybersecurity incidents recorded at US federal agencies in 2019 went down by 8 percent.
Lockdowns and social-distancing measures aimed at slowing the spread of coronavirus seem to have shortened the influenza season in the northern hemisphere by about six weeks, says a new study.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Neil Chatterjee announced the selection of Mittal Desai to serve as the Commission’s Chief Information Officer, effective June 7, 2020. Desai currently is a Senior Advisor and Risk Analyst in FERC’s Office of the Executive Director.
The rapid growth of extremist groups poses many challenges to enterprise security. How has social media and the Internet provided radical groups the means to spread their ideologies and what are the challenges with identifying and countering these groups?