CISA created the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Physical Security Measures guidance. This guidance provides a non-comprehensive list of physical security resources available to the public to help facility owners and operators enhance their physical security to protect workers and individuals.
Research done by Finnish University discovers more insight into how coronaviruses spread on cruise ships, along with mitigation security and safety measures that companies can take to bump up safety.
Tulane University police officer who was working security for the George Washington Carver High School basketball team this weekend was shot and killed after he went to help another staff member that was punched by a man trying to enter the game without a mask on.
In a report titled, “COVID-19 Vaccine Security Assessment,” analysts at G4S detail the security threats – both physical and cyber – associated with vaccine distribution across the U.S. and around the globe.
Contact center call volumes will vary from industry to industry and from month to month, but the general trend is steeply upward. Adding new agents isn’t the only or even the most efficient way that contact center managers can respond to the great COVID crunch of 2021. A properly deployed Interactive Voice Response system can make workloads manageable for agents while keeping customers from long and frustrating minutes on hold. Still, new options for callers may correspond to new opportunities for attackers.
Companies with cloud-first strategies are growing in number as the benefits of cloud have become more apparent and appetizing in the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, simply having a cloud-first strategy doesn’t guarantee success in the cloud, cost savings and increased agility. Similarly, security remains a pervasive threat if a process for mitigation is not built into the very foundation of your cloud strategy.
As pharmaceutical companies and healthcare organizations turn their attention from the development to the deployment of coronavirus vaccines, well-resourced cybercriminals are hotly following suit. The vaccine supply chain is rife with logistical complexities making the enormously valuable data on the various vaccines deeply attractive to threat actors. In fact, cybercriminals are already attempting to steal vaccine formulas and disrupt operations.
Technologies such as occupancy management, automated visitor management and touchless access control applications are increasing in demand – turning up the dial on interoperability as organizations seek to deploy best of breed solutions. To power these technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud storage and the Internet of Things (IoT) are driving new functionalities and new uses from existing technologies to deliver customized applications for pandemic related health, safety and security issues. While this year might bring a number of uncertainties, we remain confident that the industry will continue to see growth and demand for these trends.
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, a 500-room luxury hotel located in Milwaukee, has implemented a touchless security screening for guests that includes temperature screening and weapons detection screening without needing guests to walk through individually as is the case with traditional screening methods.
Mass shootings in the U.S. have increased despite widespread closures of schools, businesses, and many public places due to the coronavirus pandemic. There were 615 mass shootings in 2020 resulting in 521 deaths and 2,541 injuries. Compared to the previous year, there were 181 more incidents. The stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, job loses, unemployment, and the economic crisis is a potential for a disaster which could lead to an increase of violence at the workplace. The recent spike in gun incidences and stolen weapons across the United States is alarming. Businesses need to take heed and increase security measures to protect their employees and staff.