An annual survey commissioned by Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services, Forcepoint and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) revealed that despite increased awareness of what a career in cybersecurity might look like, millennials remain unprepared for and uninterested in pursuing a career in the field.
The U.S. Department of Justice announced nearly $9 million in funding for community policing and for training to help improve law enforcement officers’ response to active shooting situations.
Kaplan University and the International Foundation of Protection Officers (IFPO) announced a partnership to expand access to professional training and higher education for professional private security officers.
A Tripwire survey has found that 79 percent of respondents said they believe the need for technical skills among security staff has increased over the past two years.
EC-Council announced the release of the new, fully-proctored Licensed Penetration Tester (LPT) certification, which will be launched at Hacker Halted, 2017,
According to a new study, the cost of cybersecurity education for large enterprises at an all-time-high of $290,033 per year per organization, and user education is rocketing up the CIO’s priority list., a Washington, D.C.-based publisher of informational websites on higher education, has ranked the top 20 schools for cybersecurity, based on subject expertise, scholarship opportunities and designation as a national security agency national center of academic excellence in cyber defense.
A new study says that 93 percent of security professionals are concerned about the cybersecurity skills gap, and 72 percent believe it is more difficult to hire skilled security staff to defend against today’s cyberattacks compared to two years ago.