Baltimore has created a Committee on Cybersecurity and Emergency Preparedness, as City Hall struggles to recover from a hack that crippled the government’s email and other computer systems.
Nearly a quarter of surveyors have been affected by a cyber threat in the past 12 months and more than 10 percent have been affected more than once, according to the 2018 Data Health Check report.
Cyber Governance Indexes, a performance benchmarks software, provides market-based proof that companies with good cyber governance outperform peers in shareholder value terms – and vice versa.
Nearly 70 percent of travel buyers say their business travelers have been affected by a payment-related data breach from an outside vendor such as an airline, hotel or retailer in the past year, according to new research from the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA).
Think back to 2009 and the phone you owned. While the phone you carry today might not look that different, a smartphone or its equivalent is far more powerful than it was just 10 years ago. While it is relatively easy for businesses to track the evolution of phone technology, have they similarly considered how their own corporate security departments have changed during the same period?
Imagine losing your car keys. It would be inconvenient, as you could be stranded for a while and you would need to find and obtain a replacement key. Now imagine losing a set of work keys. How much disruption could this cause your company? Remember the 2014 Sony breach? It was perpetrated by a group who claimed that they were able to access the movie studio's computer systems because Sony failed to lock their physical doors.