Ken Ferrante, former Hoboken Chief of Police, has been named Public Safety Director of the New Jersey city. He will oversee the Hoboken Police Department, Fire Department, and Office of Emergency Management (OEM).
Get ready: Security magazine's March 2022 issue is here! Inside, find the 2022 Top Cybersecurity Leaders special report, stories on COVID-19 security lessons learned, NGO and travel risk management, and much more!
CISA and SAFECOM released a new guide to ensure public safety stakeholders have
the information they need to make effective decisions before, during, and after budget cuts,
State, local and tribal agencies can take advantage of a grant assistance program from Mission Critical Partners (MCP) while applying for government funding to boost public safety and security.
Parliaments, often subject to arson, gunfire, bombings, domestic terrorists, and mobs, are under attack. Recent events, such as the 2021 U.S. Capitol riot, underscore the urgency to recalibrate security measures around legislatures worldwide.
The Office of the Inspector General in Washington, D.C. is implementing a weapons detection screening solution to secure entrances at its headquarters location.