The Penn State Center for Security Research and Education, in collaboration with Penn State Harrisburg, Penn State Homeland Security Programs, and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), held a tabletop exercise that addressed first-responder and whole-community response and resilience to the ongoing opioid crisis.
After the mistaken missile alert in Hawaii earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general is recommending changes to the nation’s emergency alert system.
One year after the events in Boston, it is important that our nation’s law enforcement and homeland security leaders take a hard look at the lessons learned from that day and make some needed changes.
In challenging applications such as large-scale buildings and areas with high ambient-noise levels, this addressable fire alarm and emergency voice system has the high power to meet intelligibility requirements without the need for additional speaker wire routed to a main unit.
This whitepaper from Guardly Safe Campus compares the swiftness of incident response efforts by university campus security between new smartphone applications and existing methods of reporting.
NaviGate™ by Lauren Innovations is a web-based technology that is used by universities, stadiums, hospitals, manufacturing facilities and malls to give first responders information in emergency situations.