An emphasis on officer service partnerships is the formula for Time Warner Cable’s Brian Reich, director of security for the Northeastern U.S., and that requires two-way communication.
Healthcare security is changing. As more and more hospitals form or join health systems or implement the Affordable Care Act, the standardization of security officer services has many advantages. The need for greater value from service providers, more efficient programs, consistent protocols for staff and patients and an increasing focus on both safety and security are positioning standardization of security services as a critical solution for health systems.
For Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, it’s a neighborhood initiative program that looks beyond traditional campus security and that integrates university special police officers with AlliedBarton security officers. The result: recognition in the Higher Education sector in the 2013 Security 500 report.
Larry McEvoy really digs his job. His firm, CONSOL Energy, a leading diversified energy company, helps generate two-thirds of the nation’s power supply, responsible for mining more high-quality bituminous coal than any other U.S. producer as well as the largest gas producer in Appalachia.
Dazzled by analytics, video, smart card, biometrics? For many enterprises, the best security systems turn out to be people, multi-tasking, open system, interoperable, scalable male and female security officers who are first responders, ambassadors, system operators, security eyes and ears. And, when it comes to their metrics, the bottom line is continuing value for the enterprises that employ officers or contract their service.
There are tall orders for security officers at Willis Tower, the nation’s highest building. Security and Life Safety Director Keith Kambic sees strength in a solid partnership.Customer service is
The guarding business is strong and growing, with firms providing a diversity of services. The top six firms surveyed by SECURITY magazine employ about 19 percent of the total security