The Q2 2022 Emerging Risks Report from Gartner surveyed 306 business and risk management executives to determine the latest risk trends affecting enterprises today, such as supply chain security, inflation and loss prevention.
Learn about the latest cyber developments coming out of Russia, Ukraine, Iran, China and North Korea from cyber threat leaders Dmitri Alperovitch and Sandra Joyce.
Security magazine covers the top five cyber threats in Q1 2022, as outlined by Kroll's "Q1 2022 Threat Landscape: Threat Actors Target Email for Access and Extortion" report.
The 11th episode of the Cybersecurity and Geopolitical Podcast explores the current state of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. With May 9th being Russia's World War II "Victory Day" holiday, geopolitical experts expect more action.
In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. President Joe Biden released a statement on the state of cybersecurity in the nation. Cybersecurity leaders can follow many recommendations to improve security at their organizations.
Russian identities were breached to the highest level in Q1 2022, followed by the United States and Poland. A study from Surfshark examines data breach statistics in early 2022.
According to the Q1 2022 Corvus Risk Insights Index, ransomware claims made to cyber insurance providers have dropped by 30%, compared to Q4 2021. This could be connected to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to the report.