The Canaveral Port Authority is set to upgrade security operations and cybersecurity systems following $1.149 million in federal and state grants from DHS and the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development program.
Choosing a security system can seem complicated, particularly when factoring in the different environmental conditions to which a camera can be subjected. It’s important to take environmental factors into consideration to make sure a camera lasts as long as it should. Below are six questions businesses should ask themselves before investing in a new surveillance system.
The nation’s seaports, which handle freight traffic as well as cruise and ferry passengers, continue to face physical threats like terrorism or active shooters as well as ever-increasing concerns about cyber warfare.
Beyond the substantial economic impact of the port industry, millions of ships, cargo and people pass through these gateways each year, so it is imperative that port security is of top priority.
American ports, terminals, ships, refineries and their support systems are vital components of our nation’s critical infrastructure, national security and economy.
Ports – sea, air and land – handle people and cargo. And they need to be secured. Dr. Daniel J. Benny knows the need. At Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Dr. Benny now offers a Bachelor of Science degree in aviation security. This program is designed to produce graduates qualified to enter aviation security, intelligence, military, homeland defense and corporate aviation security communities, either as entry-level career professionals or as mid-level managers.