Getting a physical can do wonders for people and hospitals. William Nesbitt, CPP, president of Security Management Services International, Inc., has great advice on his Web site
The Palm Beach County Health Department is a service organization responsible for the health of more than a million residents in Palm Beach County, Fla. It shares responsibility for primary care of the medically indigent population of the county with the private sector.
Growth. Most organizations strive for it, but when it happens too quickly, unforeseen issues can arise that translate into a higher level of security related risk than the organization might be comfortable with. While most organizations constantly strive for growth and expansion, they need to recognize that with growth come growing pains and a litany of security related issues that may or may not have been factored into the plans of the organization as it continues to deal with day to day business as well as any new problems that a new acquisition might bring.
In an effort to protect Hoosier patients and families, State Sen. Pat Miller (R-Indianapolis) is shepherding a bill through the Indiana Senate requiring national criminal background checks on health professionals like nurses and physicians.