Carnegie Mellon University is set to launch its seventh picoCTF, an online cybersecurity competition run by security and privacy experts in Carnegie Mellon University’s CyLab who hope to help generate interest in the field and build a pipeline of talent into the currently-starved workforce.
The Chancellor at Rutgers University said officials have opened an investigation amid "racist and bigoted Zoom bombings" that occurred during some of the educational institution's Black History Month programs.
In response to the fact that the majority of calls the University of Texas at Austin Police Department receive involve some sort of mental health element, the department decided to form a four-officer team specially trained to respond to mental health calls.
Gabe Gates, former assistant vice president within the department of public safety at the University of Virginia has joined Margolis Healy's consulting practice.
COVID-19 has caused many large educational institutions to accelerate the transition to online delivery of educational services. This has highlighted the issue of student identity and specifically the identity of students during online examinations and testing. New advances in voice biometrics can help educational institutions and other online enterprises manage access and secure data.
As part of an initiative to enhance safety and security as well as support for staff and more than 17,000 students, Trinity College Dublin implemented a technology which helps first responders better pinpoint the location of calls for help, emergencies and other incidents.
Michigan State University has chosen Marlon Lynch to serve as the university’s next chief of police. Lynch, an MSU alum who has worked in law enforcement for nearly 25 years, will also hold the title of vice president for public safety.
Denison University announces David Rose will join the university as Director of Campus Safety. Rose is a retired captain of The Ohio State University police division and brings more than 30 years of campus safety experience to his position.
Special Assistant to the Chief Safety Officer to manage racist and bias incident response process and support a holistic approach to safety
January 22, 2021
Brian Nicholls, Special Assistant to the Chief Security Officer (Marlon C. Lynch), will coordinate community engagement initiatives with organizations across the University of Utah, as well as implement new response protocols developed by the Racist and Bias Incident Response Team.