Over the past few years, women have represented approximately 10 percent of the information security workforce, but analysis from two recent (ISC) information security workforce surveys shows that women are quickly converging on men in terms of academic focus, computer science and engineering, and, as a gender, have a higher concentration of advanced degrees.
With more than 200 security leaders in attendance, the first Security 500 Conference held in Washington, DC, brought high levels of thought-leadership and discussions to the fore. Verizon CSO Michael Mason started off the day with his keynote on challenging the technological imperative by asking “what problem will this solve? How will this support our mission?” before investing in new technology.
The next national security crisis may be a lack of ability to mitigate or respond to such an attack because frankly, there’s no one available to mitigate the attack or respond to it.
The battle means that companies might be in danger of losing simply because they lack the manpower to deal with it. The battle means that companies looking for more security staff aren’t going to find them – they’re going to have to create them.