Despite gradual industry acceptance of two-factor authentication (2FA), many consumer websites still don’t provide a full set of 2FA options—including easily accessible and clear-cut information for users—according to a recent study.
The all-too-common practice of using the same email address/password combination to log into multiple websites can be damaging, especially for employers with many users and valuable assets protected by passwords, like universities.
As much of our day-to-day lives migrate into the digital realm, the need to secure our personal data, both online and on mobile devices, has become blindingly obvious.
About 200 banks in New York took part in a cybersecurity “exam” in which they were made to respond in real time to questions about their cybersecurity policies and procedures.
Late last year about 200 banks in New York took part in a cybersecurity “exam” in which they were made to respond in real time to questions about their cybersecurity policies and procedures. The test was designed to help the banks see how they compare with their peers in terms of being ready for attacks by cybergangs looking to break into their networks.