The Russian government has blocked Facebook and restricted content on Twitter amid its ongoing invasion of Ukraine. VPN services have risen in adoption since the ban.
As enterprise organizations incorporate more Software as a Service (SaaS), security leaders need to vet potential third-party vendors to assess their cyber risk.
While clean rooms are designed to allow data sharing with maximum security, different clean rooms are created with different levels of security. To build the dream clean room, enterprises must consider a host of security factors.
Securing remote work, allocating investments toward cybersecurity initiatives, and implementing responsible artificial intelligence (AI) technology are top enterprise cyber trends to watch in 2022.
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced the implementation of mandatory facial recognition in order to access some government services. This may increase cybersecurity and data privacy risks.
This Data Privacy Day, Security connected with two leaders in the K-12 school cybersecurity field to uncover the challenges of data privacy in the education sector and industry strategies to maintain the security of student and staff information.