In August 2013, Former Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Defense & Americas’ Security Affairs, Dr. Paul Stockton sat on a panel that discussed cybersecurity challenges facing the electric sector and some of the vulnerabilities in the U.S. electric grid system.
8000i Series Advanced Cyber Security Platform from Bivio
September 1, 2014
The series supports all standard Linux applications, open-source security and deep packet inspection (DPI) applications that allow for scalability in today’s dynamic threat environment.
The U.S. power grid is in the process of an enormous transformation into a smart grid
September 1, 2014
According to Security Implications of the Smart Grid, a report from Marie Wright, PhD, of Western Connecticut State University, and Robert Billings, Jr., B.A., of Billings Electric, the shift to a smart grid infrastructure means that power companies will be using more IP-based communications and commercial, off-the-shelf technologies.
Nearly 70 percent of critical infrastructure companies surveyed by Unisys and the Ponemon Institute suffered a security breach in the last year. According to the report, “Despite staggering statistics around the number of security breaches within these sectors, results showed that they gap between security concern and preparedness is overwhelming.”
The concept of remote decision making, while necessary in 2000, is not necessary today. Let’s use the significant security and power of existing IT networks, let it all be managed by IT and let security get back to their primary job, deciding who should get in and responding to those who should not.
This holistic security architecture combines distributed detection and mitigation elements to expand detection coverage across all enterprise resources
Bipartisan legislation to fortify U.S. cybersecurity has been approved by the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies, and the measure – the National Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection Act of 2013 – will heat to the full Homeland Security Committee for consideration.