As you read through this year’s Security 500 Report and the advertisements surrounding it, you may not realize how much marketing’s mission is intertwined with security’s. Perhaps a digital marketing conference would be as valuable to you as attending a security industry event because the era of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to identify risks and predict threats has arrived. Scorned for its use by three-letter government agencies, the results are clear. It works. The Predictive Revolution is the culmination of a three-stage evolution in risk and security practices.
Last year the Security 500 Report research identified the Risk-Nado facing security organizations. It pointed out how global risk matrix, the role of security and the expected results were all expanding quickly. As a solution, we identified with the theme of the book (and movie) “Money Ball” and the application of quantifiable mathematics to predict how a player will do in a specific situation.
Nominated by their colleagues and associates, these top enterprise security executives are changing the security landscape for the better.
September 1, 2013
Each year, Security magazine honors top security executives who positively impact the security industry, their organization, their colleagues and their peers.