Enterprise Security Services -- Concerns about the Cloud
November 14, 2012
A third of enterprises place highly sensitive data in the public cloud, despite serious concerns regarding cloud security and single sign-on capabilities.
Follow along with ASIS 2012 in Philadelphia with our coverage of the show's first day -- read more for the latest movement for cloud computing, partnerships and futuristic video management.
Edinburgh Napier University will offer an 18-month, part-time course, teaching network and operating system security, cloud security, auditing and more.
Big Data Is…. Big! It also poses big risks and big opportunities.
As you know, there has been a lot written lately about cloud computing, and due to the platform’s design, cloud computing security. Securing the cloud is the work of technical experts at places like Google, Amazon, NSA and the DOD. And that cloud is being secured more each minute through both better procurement policy and technology.
Over the coming years the surveillance industry will follow a similar path that the IT industry has tread increasingly more service offerings. These offerings will range from live remote monitoring to managed surveillance systems, with both private and public cloud deployments.
New guidelines, expected today from an E.U. panel on privacy, will give strong recommendations to European governments on whether to and how to adopt cloud computing.