Supply chain security, public health and employee retention ruled the headlines in 2021. Reflecting on the past twelve months, physical security leaders share their insights on where to focus security priorities in 2022.
Discrepancies in who and how many individuals were affected by a recent data breach of the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority may be resolved by an ongoing cyber investigation.
Data privacy leaders from the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) highlight what to expect in the field from increased privacy regulations to global data management practices.
The first step in creating a complete data security plan is to know what types of data the company collects, where it is stored, and with whom and how it is shared. Next, the business should determine the potential risks to that data and whether the information resides in electronic or physical form (or both).
What should security leaders focus on as they look to 2022? Organizational resilience, reputational risk and cybersecurity all will play major roles in enterprise security.
If hackers can learn the ins and outs of your network, shouldn’t you beat them to the punch by obtaining deeper visibility and holistic mapping of your network infrastructure and attached applications, services, and devices?