One minute and thirty-six seconds. That’s all it took for seven thieves, both men and women, dressed in hoodies and jackets that adequately concealed their identity, to enter an Apple store in Natick, Massachusetts, in a carefully coordinated heist. They were able to disable security tethers and make off with 19 iPhones, worth about $13,000.
Searchlight™ for Retail Software from March Networks and RFID Technology from Zebra Technologies
December 1, 2016
The integration of high-definition surveillance video and data from RFID-tagged items allows enterprise security personnel to quickly search events by data, time, brand, product type, serial number of Electronic Product Code, allowing them to see exactly when and how an item entered or left a location.
Organized retail crime (ORC) continues to grow, with 83 percent of merchants reporting an increase in the past year, according to the National Retail Foundation’s 12th annual ORC study.
After several years of slow adoption, mobile wallets are finally starting to gain real traction with consumers, but many still need an extra push to turn their mobile wallet use into a true habit.
Consumers are wary of the increased frequency of cyber-attacks against retailers, and many are ready to walk away from their favorite retailers if a breach occurs.
Reducing credit and debit card fraud by implementing EMV chip card acceptance has become retailers’ top payment issue in 2016, but retailers are also busy with new data security enhancements such as point-to-point encryption and tokenization to better protect payment card data.