Integrators are a key partner in many enterprises’ security programs, but they also have the unique viewpoint across the industry, foreseeing the next trends from manufacturers while understanding the demands and needs of integrators.
The Old Lake County Courthouse (or "The Grand Old Lady") was erected in 1878, but recent renovations led to the space's use as retail and offices, as well as a functioning courtroom, all operating with standard locks and keys. This is where the problems began.
As companies grow, security becomes both a bigger challenge and a more urgent concern. Companies typically add new security systems as they grow, often resulting in an assortment of disparate systems that lack centralized management.
They did not swim in. Two goldfish have been found swimming in slightly radioactive water in a lemonade pitcher inside a secure area of the Perry nuclear power plant, Perry, Ohio.
The Westfield name in retail is synonymous with high quality properties that offer an efficient and dynamic environment for retailers and a quality shopping experience for consumers.
An undercover agent with a fake explosive device in his pants was able to pass through two security checkpoints at the Newark, New Jersey airport, says a New York Post report.
Welcome to the adventures of complete facility access control solutions. Enterprise security leaders and integrators face diverse mysteries here, but each can be solved with an intelligent mixture of technology, security focus and IT collaboration, seasoned with a big dose of bottom-line business benefits.
The Cobb County School District (CCSD), the second largest school system in Georgia, which serves more than 106,000 students with a total of 114 schools, upgraded access at its elementary schools with a Schlage card access control system that helps ensure security for students and staff.