In the last decade, security has become a multi-platform, multi-channel concern for businesses. Gone are the days when the only threats to a bank could be warded off by an armed guard standing in front of a bank vault to intimidate and dissuade potential robbers.
Spring is here. And it could not have come soon enough, after a particularly difficult winter for most of the U.S. Record-setting snow falls, flooding, and extreme cold temperatures plagued businesses, homeowners and travelers from November through March. Businesses shut down, flights were grounded, and many people were forced to hunker down and stay home.
Baker Hughes provides technology- and service-based solutions that enable oil and gas companies to bring safe, affordable energy to the world. With a market capital of $22.7 billion, the company operates in more than 80 countries and employs approximately 61,000 employees.
Modeled after the “battlefield awareness” concept developed by military operations, this tablet app is designed for ease of use, speed of information-sharing and real-time response in the field.
Approximately 11,370 healthcare and social assistance workers were the victims of workplace violence assaults in 2010 – a 13-percent increase over such assaults in 2009, and many more incidents likely go unreported, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In July 2014 alone, 940,000 people in the Professional and Business Services industry left their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The question is: How much power and access do those people still have over company data?
Jim Sawyer has a lot of “friends for life” at work. Some of the “friends” Sawyer has made were at one time hostile, angry and frustrated clients, people tested by enormous stress levels.
Training videos can be both effective and fun if you have some imagination and are open to a different approach. The safety and security video that Kishwaukee College in Malta, Illinois, recently developed proves that point.
Social spaces will be able to identify and know their inhabitants, visitors, guests, caretakers, administrators, and any other people who interact with them. This knowledge is a fundamental building block because social relationships are built on the concept of stable personal identity over time.