The Cisco 2014 Midyear Security Report, released at Black Hat U.S. examines the “weak links” in organizations that contribute to the increasingly dynamic threat landscape.
Moving information from enterprise data centers or in-network servers to a cloud environment is often chosen as a means to offload IT maintenance costs, provide a higher degree of physical safeguards and facilitate easier scaling to accommodate business growth.
Recipients can now receive view-only files, which cannot be downloaded, forwarded, or copied and pasted; files can be watermarked, and not available for editing; users can search files for key words and phrases
According to security researchers at IBM and the Cyber Security Intelligence Index, 95 percent of successful hack attacks or incidents were because of some type of human error.
Despite heightened awareness of insider threats, most organizations continue to grapple with how to mitigate risks to their networks and sensitive information.
According to the Ponemon Institute's ninth annual Cost of Data Breach Study, the consolidated total cost of a data breach increased 15% in the last year, to $3.5 million.