With concern for online data privacy at an all time high, a survey found that though many say online data privacy is “very important” to them, not everyone is taking necessary steps to protect themselves.
Traveling abroad with technology brings with it certain risks and may subject you to government surveillance in ways that are different from domestic travel. According to the FBI, you shouldn’t expect privacy in most countries outside the United States. Your data is less secure when you travel.
U.S. consumers largely support sharing personal data with police or healthcare providers via smart devices, but enthusiasm varies depending on why and by whom the data is collected and how it is to be used, according to the 2017 Unisys Security Index.
Many global business decision makers are unaware of the implications of the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as other compliance regulations like PCI-DSS and ISO27001/2, with one in five admitting they do not know which regulations their organization is subject to.
More than three-quarters of U.S. citizens are concerned about the privacy and security of their personal digital data, and almost two-thirds say they would feel more confident if government agencies with which they interact had stronger data-privacy and security policies.