An Internet Society report finds that most organizations do not comply with existing global privacy regulations and are not ready for additional regulations that are going into effect in 2020.
Research finds major challenges monitoring and managing privileged user access and activities, with 70 percent of respondents indicating users likely to access sensitive or confidential data without a business need.
Gov. John Bel Edwards (La.) and Maj. Gen. Glenn Curtis of the La. National Guard announced plans to establish a major cybersecurity center on the Water Campus south of downtown Baton Rouge.
In our digital economy, data is the key to smooth functionality of everything from the government to small local companies. Without data, progress would grind to a halt. And the more sources of data you can mine, and the more data streams you can blend, the greater the value. Therefore, as more and more devices are brought online and integrated with others, the value of data only continues to grow.
Outsourcing by companies has been an area of growth for many years, and the trend does not seem to be slowing down. For example, Gartner is forecasting a 17 percent growth in public cloud use worldwide in 2019. Leading the way is infrastructure-as-a-service or (IaaS) with an expected 27 percent growth alone.
End-to-end encryption provides a foundational data protection safeguard, allowing secure data transfer between the sender and recipient while blocking it from external compromise. It also means this data can be inaccessible to law enforcement, who then must find alternative means to access that data.
Paper and film records mark the most common location of data breaches in hospitals, according to a study published in The American Journal of Managed Care.