Security practitioners from across the industry will find some exciting new offerings at the ASIS International 57th Annual Seminar and Exhibits (ASIS 2011) in Orlando, Florida, Sept. 19-22. A new partnership with (ISC)2 (“ISC-squared”) broadens the educational program and opens valuable new networking opportunities. In total, this year’s Seminar will offer attendees more than 180 educational sessions across 22 tracks.
Violence in the workplace continues to make news headlines and is a growing concern to security, human resources, and management across all industries. Threats, verbal abuse, physical assault, and homicide in the workplace affect two million American workers annually.
ASIS International presented the Award for Senior Regional Vice President (SRVP) of the Year to security consultant William G. Bradshaw, CPP, and the Award for Regional Vice President (RVP) of the Year to Robert E. Johnson, Executive Director of Operations, RIBI Security.
The ASIS International (ASIS) Law Enforcement Liaison Council (LELC) has established the Matthew Simeone ASIS Award for Public-Private Partnership Excellence.
(ISC)2 will co-locate its first annual (ISC)² Security Congress with the ASIS International 57th Annual Seminar and Exhibits in Orlando, FL, Sept. 19-22, 2011.
Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida, and Vicente Fox, former president of Mexico, will be keynote speakers at the ASIS International 57th Annual Seminar and Exhibits (ASIS 2011), Sept. 19-22 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fl.
ASIS International and Northeastern University, a private research university announced the introduction of Business Concepts for the Effective Security Manager—a four-day executive education program for mid-to-upper level security managers. The program will be offered in March and October 2011 in Boston, Mass.
ASIS International and IE Business School in Madrid announced the Effective Management for Security Professionals program, a five-day executive education program for mid-to-upper level security managers.
ASIS International and BSI released a joint American National Standard,Business Continuity Management Systems: Requirements with Guidance for Use(ANSI/ASIS/BSI BCM.1-2010). The standardprovides auditable criteria with accompanying guidance for developing and implementing a business continuity management system that improves an organization’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a disruptive event.