The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released a new Cybersecurity Advisory about previously undisclosed Russian malware.
The Black Lives Matter movement is spurring record-breaking fundraising online. In fact, the Minnesota Freedom Fund pulled in more than $30 million in donations alone following the death of George Floyd. The outpouring of financial support is great for these grassroots movements; however, large numbers like these often catch the eye of opportunistic scammers, unfortunately. While Black Lives Matter supporters are advocating on the street for a cause, scammers are capitalizing on their movement for their own gain.
The Lookout Threat Intelligence team has discovered four Android surveillanceware tools, which they named SilkBean, DoubleAgent, CarbonSteal, and GoldenEagle. These four interconnected malware tools are elements of much larger mAPT (mobile advanced persistent threat) campaigns originating in China, and primarily targeting the Uyghur ethnic minority, says the team.
VivaVideo, Chinese "spyware" app with at east 100 million installs on the Android Play Store, is requesting dangerous permissions, including the ability to read and write files to external drives and an user's specific GPS location.
A Reason Labs research team has discovered a new variant of the Raccoon malware family. Initially discovered back in 2019, the Raccoon malware family is used to steal confidential data and browser information.
Eindhoven University of Technology researcher Björn Ruytenberg revealed the details of a new attack method he's calling Thunderspy - which targets devices with a Thunderbolt port.