Facing fierce opposition from lawmakers, flight crews and airlines, the TSA has dropped its proposal to allow passengers to carry small knives, souvenir bats, golf clubs and other sports equipment onto planes.
Only 14 percent of organizations have a specific definition for insider threats, yet two-thirds claim to be able to handle the risk.
May 22, 2013
Only 17 percent of Canadian organizations have a specific definition of insider threats, and 19 percent have employee training on recognizing and preventing it.
The pills would be able to transmit information on internal body temperature, perspiration and heart rates, and hopefully provide enough data to save more firefighters' lives.
Up to five years in prison faces anyone guilty of knowingly committing organized retail crime, such as reselling stolen items to other stores or on the Internet.
In an effort to improve the cyber security of electrical substations, a $24,000 donation and $210,000 in hardware and software was awarded to engineer Chee-Wooi Ten.