Over the past year, the Infosec Team in Cisco’s Threat Response, Intelligence and Development group launched a Unified Security Metrics (USM) program as a way to make sense of volumes of network data and reduce security risk.
What makes video intelligent? For MARTA, Atlanta’s rapid transit authority, it’s having an intelligence-based analytics solution that teaches itself to recognize and alert on unexpected patterns within massive volumes of data, continues its rapid growth in the mass transit industry as more agencies choose to implement the award-winning behavioral recognition software as part of their public safety initiatives.
It’s a common phrase in the security field: “There is no silver bullet to prevent incidents.”
September 1, 2014
By combining video surveillance and big data gathered throughout the enterprise, he and his team can look for red flags, such as one particular bartender who has low revenue, a high number of voids and no-sales.
For well over a decade, CEOs have been relegating the operational, legal, reputational and competitive risks associated with cybersecurity to those responsible for Information Technology.
Cybersecurity is the unsung linchpin of every company that has grown increasingly dependent upon vulnerable technologies, whether to communicate, to store sensitive data, or to manufacture and deliver its products and services.
The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) not only protects IT systems with special hardware, software and secure business processes, but he or she also creates, implements and communicates the organization’s digital information security policies and procedures.
Learn how to change the game of security with better statistics
November 5, 2013
Leveraging metrics and statistics can lead to a stronger security program, just as they led to a better baseball team for the Oakland Athletics in “Moneyball.” So how can these metrics protect your enterprise from a Risk-Nado?
A survey by Tripwire, Inc., and the Ponemon Institute reveals that while 75 percent of respondents say metrics are ‘important’ or ‘very important’ to a risk-based security program, 53 percent don’t believe or are unsure that they are used in their organizations are properly aligned with business objectives.
Risk intelligence is one of the most important of the core elements which must be established when building a successful and effective enterprise risk management program.
Risk intelligence is the final and probably one of the most important of the core elements which must be established when building a successful and effective enterprise risk management program.