The single most important thought when securing our schools is maintaining an open, supportive environment that is conducive to learning. School security directors all too often worry that their campuses will become “prisons” if a well-thought-out design or renovation does not take into account the purpose of the facility. As security professionals, this is our primary concern and at the forefront of any security solution we would recommend.
Duty of Care is gaining momentum. The idea is simple: employers have a duty to keep their people safe. Whether your employees are on-site or travelling, in a cubicle or on a construction site, in the States or abroad, that duty remains – to protect your employees from unnecessary risk of harm.
Prepared for any emergency, Louisa County Public Schools enhance security and emergency response with Valerus VMS
August 9, 2018
Vicon Industries, Inc., designer and manufacturer of video surveillance and access control software, hardware and components, announced today that Louisa County Public Schools in Northern Virginia has completed installation of a district-wide Vicon Valerus video management solution that encompasses its six school buildings and connects nearly 400 cameras.
In an emergency situation, such as an active shooter, people will take several actions. They will seek information, they will prepare for evacuation and evacuate, and they will inform and help others. And then there’s milling.
Business continuity does not have to be complex, nor should it burn a hole in your IT budget. Standby virtual desktops offer a sensible alternative to maintaining and updating physical desktop computer infrastructures – at a fraction of the cost.
Foot Locker was searching for a high-quality communication method that could accurately and efficiently communicate with employees when sending emergency messages.