The Lane Barrier system connects to DoorKing’s 1601 barrier gate operator to provide a barrier in applications where a higher degree of vehicle traffic control is desired, but without the expense of bollards, wedges or crash beams.
Parking areas are essential parts of any enterprise’s facility, and securing those areas – both from crime against visitors, employees and their property – is an ongoing challenge.
A Q&A with UL's Gonda Lamberink about Cyberattacks, Video Surveillance, Supply Chains and Upcoming Regulation
October 9, 2018
As each IP camera becomes another endpoint in an enterprise’s digital footprint, they can each potentially open up a backdoor into the network and the business’s mission critical data and services.
The security operations center is the central nervous system of a security department. From that one room, enterprise security leaders can monitor worldwide risks, address ongoing incidents, track system health and sustain operations across the business.
This Privilege Identity Management solution from AlertEnterprise is designed to ensure that privileged (elevated) access is not misused by system administrators – either intentionally or unintentionally.
Though many security managers tend to have tunnel vision on the techy aspects of building a SOC, often the most important things to consider are the most basic and in a command center environment, that begins with an operator-centric design.
Successful strategists in the security arena face the same kind of tactical issues as football coaches. Attackers are skillful, resourceful and motivated success. Football coaches can’t deploy a “one-size-fits-all” strategy, and neither can security leaders. On a macro level, this is called “Risk-Based Security.”
Transparency is the new sustainability. As building owners and facility managers advocate for sustainable products and practices, security technology manufacturers are taking the total environmental impact of their products into account.
Access control is considered to be an important piece of the smart building puzzle due to the quality of information access control systems can provide regarding building occupants’ whereabouts and how they move through the building.