We all must stop running from the “elephant in the room” by implementing a real, effective tailgating prevention strategy. Combined with other analytical methods available today, this will allow security professionals to more effectively meet the challenges of our increasingly insecure world.
After receiving the funding to develop several security projects to update or replace systems and components, including upgrading more than 3,000 cameras to IP, across more than 100 facilities that Security Director Kirk Simmons is responsible for securing in Hennepin County, MN, Simmons and his team found themselves in a predicament: navigating the county’s IT department processes for project development, as most systems depend on the IT network and servers for which the Hennepin County IT team has responsibility.
In past articles I have discussed a wide range of topics dealing with competencies, professional skills and strategies for marketing yourself to find your perfect job.
With more than 1,000 locations in more than 100 countries throughout the world, Weatherford International is one of the largest multi-national oil field service companies, employing more than 32,000 people.
This month’s column will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), one of the reporting structures that appears to be gaining significant ground across industry sectors.
Imagine a world of things that serve you. Sensors and machines that collect information about everything: your environment, your presence, your calendar and your diet.
Throughout my career as a CSO, I have had the opportunity to manage proprietary and contract security forces, as well as having had a very large hybrid operation that was a mix of both proprietary and contract security officers.