With real-time location technology, classification professionals and care providers can monitor inmates who attend reintegration classes, consistently exhibit good behavior, are where they’re supposed to be and actively work on their own self-betterment.
Lowndes County Emergency Management has added two WeatherSTEM monitoring systems throughout the Georgia County, providing more accurate weather data to the department.
Train staff are equipped with body cameras to further monitor activities in train cars and on platforms. Swedish rail company SJ AB aims to increase safety and security for its passengers with the technology.
Video surveillance capabilities are enhanced by Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Used correctly and securely, IoT-powered video surveillance will result in a more efficient and safer society.
From the onset of the pandemic, Sanofi’s North America Security Operations & Technology team has worked across the enterprise to provide critical in-house applications and communications to departments and leaders, as well as be on the frontlines of on-location response efforts, ensuring operational continuity, as well as the safety and security of the company’s staff and assets.
From the onset of the pandemic, Sanofi’s North America Security Operations & Technology team has worked across the enterprise to provide critical in-house applications and communications to departments and leaders, be on the frontlines of on-location response efforts, ensuring operational continuity, as well as the safety and security of the company’s staff and assets.
When it comes to completing your security team, hiring the right employees will lead you, your team and your organization to greater success, but finding, recruiting and retaining top security talent may be easier said than done.
Security teams should be carefully selected to meet an organization’s needs in terms of competence, but perhaps, more importantly to foster inclusion, diversity and a strong sense of team. When it comes to completing your security team, hiring the right employees will lead you, your team, and your organization to greater success, but finding, recruiting and retaining top security talent may be easier said than done.
When is the last time you assessed your monitoring platform? You may have already noticed signs indicating that your tools are not keeping up with the rapidly changing digital workforce – gathering nonessential data while failing to forewarn you about legitimate issues to your network operations. Post-2020, these systems have to handle workforces that are staying connected digitally regardless of where employees are working. Your monitoring tools should be hyper-focused on alerting you to issues from outside your network and any weakness from within it. Often, we turn out to be monitoring for too much and still missing the essential problems until it’s too late.
When it comes to perimeter security, strong upfront planning and swift real-time reactions supported by technology can go a long way in helping an enterprise secure its outermost layer.
How can security leaders be sure to shore up that outermost barrier at their organizations? When it comes to perimeter security, strong upfront planning and swift real-time reactions supported by technology can go a long way in helping an enterprise secure their most important assets.
While COVID-19 has slowed the hospitality industry, security plays a more pivotal role than ever and the ongoing pandemic is challenging security professionals to adjust and adapt to new rules and procedures.
While COVID-19 has slowed the hospitality industry, security plays a more pivotal role than ever and the ongoing pandemic is challenging security professionals to adjust and adapt to new rules and procedures. And yet, as the pandemic and challenging economy continues, security departments within the hospitality industry are increasingly tasked to do more with less.