The majority of Americans (86 percent) are concerned about terrorist attacks occurring while on vacation in various regions of the world in the future.
The horrific Bastille Day terror attack in Nice, France, undertaken by Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, claimed over 80 lives and injured more than 200 persons.
The March multiple terror attacks in Brussels that resulted in more than 30 people killed and more than 250 injured raises again the specter of terrorism globally. While since 9/11 fewer than 50 people have been in killed in the United States due to jihadist-inspired terrorism, that paltry number fails to illustrate that the jihadi threat here is significant as hundreds – if not thousands – of persons would have succumbed to otherwise stymied plots.
Americans are more likely to say that terrorists are winning the war against the United States than they have been at any point since the September 11 attacks.