Teresa Shea, a renowned defense, intelligence and cybersecurity expert, joined the Board of Directors at Cigent Technology, Inc., which works to protects data at federal agencies, such as the Department of Defense (DoD).
Most recently, Shea served as Raytheon's Vice President of Cyber Offense Defense Experts (CODEX). Before that, she was the Executive Vice President of Technology for In-Q-Tel, a strategic investment firm making investments in high-tech start-ups providing security solutions for U.S. intelligence agencies. She spent 32 years working at the National Security Agency culminating in the position of Signals Intelligence Director.
Shea has received numerous awards for her intelligence, defense and cybersecurity accomplishments, including being named one of Security magazine's 2022 Top Cybersecurity Leaders. Listen to Shea discuss her thoughts on combatting national and enterprise-level cybersecurity threats in an episode of The Security Podcasts.