The Chester Cathedral draws tourists and worshippers to visit the historic building in Chester, England, which was constructed beginning in 1093 A.D.
In order to protect the cathedral, Charles Thomas Heritage Fire Protection (CTHFP) was tasked with specifying and upgrading the wireless fire detection system previously installed in the structure. The thick walls, lead-lined roofs and other challenges that come with a historic building necessitated a comprehensive solution.
CTHFP Founder Brad Parker decided to install Kentec Electronics' K-Mesh system, a technology that uses an interconnected web of sensors to secure spaces from fire. A wireless translator module is hardwired to the fire alarm control panel loop and communicates continuously with the wireless devices. Optical, thermal and multi-criteria sensors help detect smoke and fire and prevent false alarms. Thermal detectors can respond to a fixed temperature threshold or detect a rate of rise in temperature. Wireless sounders, call points and testing kits are also available within the range.
Due to the size of Chester Cathedral, many expanders are needed to fully secure the location. Each expander has up to 5 redundancy paths which connects to the strongest expander. Even the dead spots in the cathedral are able to communicate with the strongest radio signal expander within its area, so in case of an emergency, each corner of the building is covered.