Miami Dade College (MDC) has launched its new, state-of-the-art Cybersecurity Center of the Americas, a facility designed to mimic what a Security Operations Center (SOC) looks and feels like. 

DC’s new Cybersecurity Center of the Americas is unlike any other in the area, says MDC, with the most advanced technology will pave the way for a new generation of cybersecurity experts. Featuring a state-of-the-art Cyber Range, the first of its kind in the region, the hyper-realistic training platform will provide hands-on cybersecurity training to create the advanced security experts needed to fill the ever-increasing number of open cybersecurity positions.

The Cyber Range is a cutting-edge training platform to learn how to detect, stop, and remediate cyberattacks in real-time. The facility is designed to mimic what a S.O.C. (Security Operations Center) looks and feels like. This unique environment will permit trainees to experience learning and working in a true Security Operations Center similar to what they encounter in the industry.

Open to students and professionals, trainees will experience live cyberattacks and learn how to respond to today’s advanced cyber threats. The training, coupled with theoretical learning, will give students a competitive advantage as they enter the workforce and will give working professionals the opportunity to advance their careers, says MDC. 

Training by simulation is proven to dramatically increase the skills of cybersecurity workforces and prepare them to meet the increasing complexity and volume of real-life cyber threats, adds MDC. By training the next generation of security experts, MDC will help to fill the more than 285,000 cybersecurity jobs currently open throughout the country, and more than 12,000 in Florida. With the growing importance of cybersecurity in the global environment, MDC’s Cybersecurity Center will not only provide training programs such as the Cyber Range but also serve the community by hosting dynamic forums, speakers, and other events that increase awareness of threats and provide educational opportunities for attendees.