ASIS International and the Security Industry Association (SIA) have entered into a partnership to aid in the COVID-19 recovery and rebuilding efforts of its member professionals and member companies.

The partnership will address business operations and advocacy and content development.

Business Operations & Advocacy

SIA will lead a team of representatives from SIA and ASIS government relations/affairs departments as well as ASIS’s digital strategy office.

The team will:

  • Review and analyze rules pertaining to the final enactment of COVID-19 aid package(s) expected to be passed by Congress
  • Review the supply chain and any changes in federal rules that may be needed
  • Provide any information about preparedness grants to members


ASIS will lead a team of representatives from SIA and ASIS learning, marketing and industry relations departments.

The team reportedly will be a clearinghouse for information on COVID-19 and related knowledge and learning. The outreach will include virtual learning opportunities, so members can participate on their own schedules.

Other goals related to the partnership include collaborations with academia and health care associations and evaluating the needs of small and medium-sized business members.