Air Partner, an aviation services group, has launched Air Partner Protect in response to the emergence and spread of COVID-19 ("coronavirus").

According to the company, Air Partner has recently carried out a number of evacuations on behalf of the UK government, and has seen increased demand from customers looking for similar services with enhanced safeguarding measures in place. "The fast-moving and widespread nature of the disease has presented a unique and challenging set of circumstances in which to travel around the world, and individuals, governments and businesses alike are facing unforeseen hurdles as new restrictions and regulations are put into place," says Air Partner. 

Air Partner Protect has been specifically curated to mitigate risk for customers flying during the coronavirus outbreak, while offering advice and reassurance. Support offered includes: 

  • Security screening: Air Partner's dedicated Safety & Security division Redline can provide its own security operatives and equipment to carry out security screening where it is not available through the normal channels due to infection concerns. 
  • Improved safety: Air Partner works with approved operators to ensure aircraft and crew comply with recommended procedures around coronavirus (in addition to the stringent health and safety processes already in place). This includes ensuring aircraft have been deep cleaned and crew are following strict hygiene precautions.  
  • Quick response evacuation: Air Partner can evacuate any number of people from anywhere in the world . Recently, Air Partner evacuated 32 people, offered security screening for the passengers and their baggage ahead of their flight from Tokyo to the UK. 

Other features include medical support, Coronavirus monitoring, updates, advice and global 24/7 support.