Moving forward with its plans to create a first-of-its-kind Cyber Resilience Center, the Port of Los Angeles issued an RFP seeking companies or firms interested in designing, installing, operating and maintaining the future Center.

The Cyber Resilience Center will serve as a focal point for cyber threat information-sharing across companies and stakeholders at the Port, helping to identify and prepare against cyber risks potentially impacting the cargo supply chain ecosystem. The idea for creation of the collaborative Center was an outcome of a maritime industry working group meeting hosted by the Port earlier this spring.
“Collaborative cyber-threat information sharing is critical to the safety and security of our Port,” said Chief Thomas Gazsi, who serves as Deputy Executive Director of Public Safety and Emergency Management. “This Cyber Resilience Center will allow us to more quickly identify and mitigate cyber incidents that pose a threat to the maritime supply chain.”
The full RFP can be downloaded here. Initial questions regarding the RFP are due Aug. 7, and a pre-proposal conference will be held on Aug. 14.  Final proposals must be submitted by Sept. 4. For questions regarding the RFP, contact Tanisha Herr by email at