The TSA is considering eliminating passenger screening at more than 150 small and medium-sized airports across the U.S., CNN reports. The proposal would mark a major change for U.S. air travel following 9/11, especially as screening measures for items such as laptops and tablets are increasing.

“Internal documents from a TSA working group say the proposal to cut screening at small and some medium-sized airports serving aircraft with 60 seats or fewer could bring a ‘small (non-zero) undesirable increase in risk related to additional adversary opportunity,’” CNN reports.

The move could save $115 million annually, which could be used to bolster security at larger airports.

Under the proposal, passengers and luggage arriving from these smaller airports would be screened when they arrive at major airports for connecting flights, instead of joining the already-screened population at the larger airport.

Currently, the proposal contains no formal recommendation for implementation, but the concept is being explored by a TSA working group, which conducted a risk and cost analysis.