The Security Industry Association is proud to announce that Security magazine has become the official media sponsor of SIA Technology Insights.

SIA Technology Insights contains original, vendor-neutral articles about developments and trends in security technology written by industry experts for an end-user audience.

SIA CEO Don Erickson said the partnership with Security is a natural fit.

“Our goal with SIA Technology Insights is to provide in-depth information about the latest security solutions to practitioners in various vertical markets,” Erickson said. “Since Security is a leading news provider to this audience, we are very pleased to have the opportunity to partner with the magazine.”

Security publisher Chris Ward similarly noted the similarities in readership.

“We are very selective with our partnerships, but SIA Technology Insights provides excellent information that we think Security magazine’s subscribers will find useful,” Ward said. “We look forward to working with SIA to make the publication essential reading for practitioners across the country.”

The digital edition of SIA Technology Insights at provides readers with an easily navigable, interactive journal through which they can enhance their knowledge of security technology. In addition, SIA makes available hard copies at ISC West, ISC East and certain other security events.