In an effort to make Florida's college campuses safer, State Representative Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, is pushing to let people carry guns on campus. 
"I don't think that law abiding citizens should be stripped of that right to defend themselves and others, just because they walk onto a college campus," said Rep. Steube.
Steube is one of the lawmakers behind House Bill 4005, which removes university campuses from the state's designated "gun free zones." That means any student, worker, or faculty member with a concealed weapons permit, could legally carry a gun.
According to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumers Services, less than 250,000 of the state's 1.35 million licensed gun owners are under the age of 35.

The Florida House Criminal Justice Subcommittee will vote on this measure today. If it passes, the bill would still need to go through two more committees in the House. An identical bill is making its way through the State Senate.
A similar bill passed through the House back in 2011, but died in the Senate.